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Koleksi Pantun 01

Pergi ke pasar ketemu Bang Kikir
Bawa motor harus pelan-pelan
Kurang akal kurang pikir
Nanti bisa tersesat dijalan

Di kios buah beli pepaya
Eh malah letemu Bang Pasa
Siapa pula bisa percaya
Baca peta saja kan tak bisa

Tiba-tiba ada penari Legong
Cari duit untuk si Papa
Biarkan saja aku bengong
Yang lebih pintar tahu siapa

Warung Tejo tidak berpintu
Kalau masuk tak perlu bertamu
Berani benar kau bilang begitu
Pikir betul siapa dirimu

Clean, clean, clean!

Hello everyone! Alfi here, member of Solus Cleanup Crew. It’s been more than a year since I started contributing to Solus and I want to talk about it. About what I did, what we did, what we accomplished so far, and what we want to do next.

# A bit of background

I started contributing in October 2023, when Solus participated in Hacktoberfest. Hacktoberfest is a month-long event that encourage people to contribute to open source project in exchange for some digital merchandise. Finally, an excuse to contribute to something I use every day. Although, as an accountant, all of this is new experience to me. It was confusing at first, but I persisted. Finally, I got the hang of it and I managed to submit around 100 pull request during the month of the event. I was very excited and motivated. During the month, a few people joined the event and contributed to Solus, but then November came and most of the contribution slowed down. I was the only one left that continued doing the beginner tasks, mostly adding homepage to packages.